Make It: Hand-Stamped Pendant for Mom

What mom wouldn't enjoy receiving an adorable hand-stamped washer pendant made just for her this Mother's Day?

Easy jewelry DIY! Make a stamped pendant for Mother's Day.

With Mother's Day coming up, I thought it would be fun to design a new washer pendant for the occasion. I'm sharing the how-to here today.

Mother's Day Pendant Tutorial

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Supplies to Needed to Make a Mother's Day Metal Washer Pendant

  • Metal Washer
  • Ribbon (I used Short-Cuts Ribbon Wraps by Blue Moon Beads)
  • Lobster Clasp
  • Jump Rings
  • Ribbon Clamps
  • Bead and Headpin (or pre-made bead drop)
  • Metal Alphabet Stamps (1/4 in)
  • Needle-nose Piers
  • Hammer
  • Black Sharpie marker
Note: For a simpler project, pre-made silk cord or ball chain necklace can be substituted for the ribbon and findings. Purchase drop beads that already have a wire loop if you don't want to assemble your own. (Check out my Hand-Stamped Joy Pendant or Hand-Stamped Love Pendant for examples using pre-made necklaces.)

How to Make a Mother's Day Stamped Metal Washer Pendant

Begin by stamping your washer. (Place it on a hard durable surface or steel bench block.  I have been known to go outside to our back porch which has a concrete floor.) Place an M to the left of the washer opening and another to the right. Use your sharpie to fill in the letters to make them more visible and "age" them a little (Image 1). Wipe away any excess ink. Use a headpin and bead to create a bead charm for the "O" in MOM (Image 2).

Next, prepare your ribbon necklace. I cut my 36 inch Short-Cuts ribbon in half before attaching my necklace findings.  (This pendant can be made any length.  It's up to you.) Thread your bead onto the ribbon and attach a ribbon clamp to each end. If you don't add the bead at this step, you will need to use a jump-ring to attach it later. Add the clasp to the ribbon clamp with a jump-ring (Image 3). Remember, when opening a jump-ring, twist don't pull.

To add pendant, thread fastened clasp up through center of washer and back through loop created by the necklace (Image 4). Tighten and arrange bead as desired.

Now all that's left to do is wrap it up in a cute box and watch Mom smile on Mother's Day!

Thanks for stopping by today! If you have questions or make a pendant of your own, leave me a note in the comments. I'd love to see how your projects turn out:)

P.S. I linked up to the Link Party Palooza over at Tatertots & Jello.



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